2017, 2018, Actualités partenaires, Actualités R&R, ACTUALITES, Appel à communications, ÉVÈNEMENTS, Colloques, Colloques, journées d'études..., par ANNEE

Conference « The Diversity of Asian Capitalisms » (June 13-18, 2018)

>> June 13-18, 2018 (Lille, France). The conference The Diversity of Asian Capitalisms: a comparative analysis in the context of globalization intends to analyse the Asian socio-economic mutations. Nowaday, one model (the capitalism) is dominating but a huge variety of forms, in perpetual evolutions, is observed. The different forms are shaped by rural exodus, overpopulation of the mega-cities, modification of labour structures, regional specialization in a global integration, religions, environmental problems, ruin of the social traditional fabric and their modes of recomposition, various model of state, etc.
In order to get a better understanding of the complexity of mutation processes, this meeting aims to promote a dialogue between several social sciences and will gather researchers from different fields in history, ethnology, anthropology, sociology, economics, etc.
Location: Clersé, University of Lille (Lille).
Download : FR appel à communicationsEN call for papers

>> For further information about the conference and submitting abstract, please visit the conference website : https://asiancapitalism.sciencesconf.org/ (submit a 500-word abstract and a short biographical note by October 30th 2017).


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